No good caveman or cavewomen would ever make fun of those outspoken vegetarians that dress up in weird costumes to make the case for their cause. Just don't dress up like a free range chicken, we might just eat you.
No I'm certainly not a “granola”, tried it, got sick, found Jesus and moved on.
O.K. maybe I'm embellishing on the Jesus, but truthfully I tried the vegetarian, then the vegan, and topped it off with the macrobiotic lifestyle, and all I got was sicker.
If you want to be a vegetarian, go for it, but please don't assume all meat eaters are barbaric thugs massacring poor innocent creatures. Many of us educated cavemen and cavewomen realize the importance and health benefits of living as a hunter gather. I've bought more food from so called health stores than most, and allow me to say here not that healthy.
Take for instance High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), a commonly found ingredient found in much of the food that has been labeled healthy, much of the food within that “natural food” store.
As with any political campaign, there are two sides to the HFCS story. And like a political campaign, there is big money in HFCS. Because it’s a big-time money saver, food manufacturing companies like to use it in just about every food they make, and have a high interest in keeping it around. They dump millions into fighting the negative campaign people like me have tried to launch against HFCS. Don’t listen to them.
Without getting too crazy into details, you want your body to be insulin-sensitive in order to live a healthy and fit life. People who develop diabetes are insulin-resistant, which is mostly caused by constantly high insulin levels. HFCS sends insulin through the roof. The more you eat it, the more insulin-resistant you become. Not good. It also suppresses the amino acid that triggers your brain to tell your body that you’re full. And that is part of the reason the food companies throw it in everything, it makes you eat more and more.
As any caveman and cavewomen knows, the choice is up to you, eat it or don't, but at least be educated. Don't let others poison you and your own!
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